Contact us

We provide free and confidential support, without judgement, to adults facing challenges with drugs and alcohol. If you have questions, need advice, or just want to talk, we’re WithYou.

Contact WithYou in East Dunbartonshire

To get in touch with our Young Person's serviceFamilies Plus serviceAlcohol-related Brain Damage service or Trauma service in East Dunbartonshire:

Phone 07760 755735


Visit us at McGregor House, 10 Donaldson Street, Kirkintilloch G66 1XF

Our core hours are 9-5, Monday to Friday - but we can schedule appointments in the evening or at the weekend if you need us to.

Get support online and by phone

Talk confidentially online

You can chat to one of our trained recovery workers live online to get free, confidential advice and information about drugs or alcohol. We're here for you Monday - Friday: 9am - 9pm, Saturday - Sunday: 10am - 4pm. 

Chat to us live online

Call Drinkline

This is a free phone line, staffed by real people, where you can get expert advice if you are worried about your drinking or the drinking of a loved one. We’re here from Monday to Friday, 9am to 9pm and Saturday to Sunday, 10am to 4pm.

Call DRINKLINE on 0800 731 4314

Call Know the Score

Get free, confidential support and information if you are using drugs, thinking about trying them, or worried about someone you know. You can visit or call us on the number below.

Call Know the Score on 0800 587 5879

We deliver these services on behalf of the Scottish Government.

Ready to access services?

We’re here to listen – you can tell us as little or as much as you want. We’ll work with you on your own goals, whether that’s cutting down your drug or alcohol use, stopping completely, or just getting a bit of advice.


Our services are completely free


We provide support without judgment


Services are safe and comfortable places

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Your privacy is important to us