WithYou comment and response to policy
Our response to DHSC’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Plan, covering preventing the onset of mental ill-health, Improving the quality and…
Our response to the Scottish Government on the progress being made by the Scottish drug death taskforce, covering areas where…
A submission from the Drugs, Alcohol and Justice All Party Parliamentary Group, covering the effectiveness of UKs drug policy framework,…
Our submission to the commission for young lives, covering what support young people need to ensure good mental health and…
Our response to the proposed right to addiction recovery bill in Scotland.
Our comments on the OHID draft National Commissioning Quality Standard for drug and alcohol treatment and recovery
Our submission to DHSC on expanding access to naloxone, covering how access can be expanded and in which settings, and…
Our response to the Governments Women's Health Strategy call for evidence
A submission made by the DAJ APPG to the Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) contributing to the development of their…
Our response to the Government's Green Paper on transforming public procurement
Our submission to the second part of Dame Carol Black's independent review of drugs focuses on prevention, treatment and recovery
Our submission to the ACMD on young people’s drug use and treatment covering the prevalence and nature of drug use,…
Our submission to the ACMD on the implementation and provision of naloxone covering the prevalence and nature of naloxone provision,…
Our submission to the Commission on Alcohol Harm, covering alcohol’s impact on physical/mental health, the NHS and other public services,…